Monday, May 28, 2012



Peter D. Mitchell, Ph.D,  University of Edinburgh,  UK,  discovered ATP, the energy currency of life in the human living cells require the presence of CoQ10, thus was awarded the 1978 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his discovery.

Pro-Enzyme :  Mainly derives from the combination of CoQ10, billions of pro-biotic, plant source enzymes plus oligosaccharides.

Pro-Enzymes :  Strengthen the production of energy, destroy free radical and act as a catalyst that leads to the production of energy in the human body.
To maintain a healthy heart, liver, kidney, etc, the presence of CoQ10 is essential.

Benefits :

Promote body metabolism
Promote child ‘s growth                                        
                                  Increase the growth of good bacteria in the colon
                                              Elevate body immunity
                                                  Regulate intestinal environment
                                                  Break down toxin and waste in the body
                                                  Prevent cancer
                                                  Suppress the growth of bad bacteria

Peter D. Mitchell, Ph.D,  Universiti Edinburgh, UK, dianugerahkan dengan Nobel untuk Kimia pada 1978 Kerana beliau telah menemui bahawa CoQ10 diperlukan apabila sel-sel manusia menghasilkan tenaga ATP.
Pro- Enzyme :  Kebanyakan diperoleh daripada  kombinasi CoQ10, pro–biotic dan enzim tumbuhan dan oligosakarida.

Pro- Enzyme :  Memperkuatkan penghasilan tenaga, memusnahkan radikal bebas dan sebagai pemangkin dalam pemprosesan tenaga dalam badan manusia.
CoQ10 adalah diperlukan untuk mengekalkan kesihatan jantung, hati,  ginjal dan sebagainya.

Kebaikan :

Menggalakkan metabolisma  badan
Mengalakkan pertumbuhan kanak-kanak
Menambahkan pertumbuhan bakteria baik dalam kolon
Memperkuatkan sistem pertahanan badan
Memelihara sistem pencernaan
Mencegah kanser
Menekan pertumbuhan bacteria buruk

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