Friday, September 7, 2012

Bio Collagen Plus 植物胶原蛋白12

Can bio collagen plus relief pain to joints?

              Collagen protects joints cartilage and lubricants joint between bones.
SB Bio Collagen Plus  is the savior of arthritis  - >  Lubricate joints  /  Repair cartilage  /  Protect joints
            Early joint protection can prevent arthritis

The joint’s cartilage is mainly composed of 59% collagen

Consuming SB phyto-collagen can help to

*******   Effectively replenish joints fluid

*******   Repair damaged cartilage

*******   Promote regeneration of cartilage
SB 植物胶原是关节的救星   —〉 润滑关节  / 保护关节   /  修复软骨

关节软骨主要是59%  的胶原蛋白
服用SB 植物胶原可以有效的:
*****    补充关节滑液
*****    修复受伤软骨
*****    促进软骨再生    

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