Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Natural & Organic Skin Care


Natural Organic Makeup

All Paul Penders Organic cosmetics contain certified organic herbs in a base of plant waxes, plant oils, or a base powder without talc, enriched with vitamins and ceramides.  They nourish while provide a natural look without the use of petrochemical (FD&C) colors. Natural Paul Penders makeup blend-in easily where the color of your skin still shines through: they do not “stain” like the usual makeup products made from chemical dies.  Paul Penders mineral make up do not block the skin pores and provide UVB and UVA protection because of natural SPF.
Good for sensitive skin. Anti-inflammatory.  Non-comedogenic. Natural sunscreen.

保罗潘德尔有机化妆品系列拥有认证的有机草本植物,以植物腊和植物油作为基质,粉底采用的机质完全不含爽身粉,还添加了维生素和神经酰胺。在坚持不采用化学色素(FD&C)的原则下,不但提供天然色彩,也同时可滋养皮肤。天然的保罗潘德尔化妆品系列在使用时不只能有效自然融合,还会让肤色透出亮丽的光泽;更重要的是,它不像一般用化学颜料制成的化妆品会在脸上留下颜料的污迹。保罗潘德尔含矿物质的矿物粉系列不阻塞毛孔,同时含有防晒功能SPF 以提供防UVB UVA 伤害的保护。

Friday, July 27, 2012

Natural &Organic Skin Care



A lovely variety of shades made with 22 certified organic herbs soaked in healing natural plant oils for extra moisture, without chemical dies provide classic rich natural colors. For added moisture and prolonged wear use Lip Gloss after application.
Available in the following shades :


采用22种拥有认证的有机草本植物制成一系列诱人色泽的口红。 这些草本植物首先被浸泡在富含愈合效果的天然植物油以增加其滋润性。它不含化学颜料并且能提供丰富的经典色彩。如要增加湿润和能耐较长时间的使用。 涂搽后再加上唇油。

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Prima Oligo


Recommended Direction to SHAPE UP Your BODYLINE :
Before Breakfast                        :    Meal Replacement
Before 1 hour of your Lunch    :    Slender Drink
Tea Time                                      :    Slender Drink
Before 1 hour of your Dinner  :    Meal Replacement
Before bed time                         :    D’tox Drink
Meal Replacement
Mixed 7 Grains, Vegetables & Fruits Fiber Drinks
   Lower the CHOLESTEROL levels
   Sources of calcium and retain the calcium
   Enhance the health of immunity
   Increase the function of digestive system
   Solve the problem of time and hungerSoy
   Lower Cholesterol levels
   Interferes with the formation of atherosclerotic plaque
   Lower fat build - up in the blood stream
   Reduce the risk for coronary heart disease
Black Bean
   Help keep blood sugar level from rising too rapidly
   Fortifying the kidney
   Contain Fiber + Selenium
   High in B – Glucan
Mixed Cereal Grains Powder
   Lowering the glycemic index
   Prevent diseases
   Vitamin B, Vitamin E, and many minerals
Ingredients List :    
Maltodextrin, Black Bean,  Pure Soy,  Oat Fiber,  Psyllium Husk,  Barley,  Malt Extract,  Malt Extract Cereal Powder,  Course Rice,  Chocolate Powder,  Phaseolus Vulgaris (White Kidney Bean),  Guarana Extract,  Carrot Slices,  EGCG,  sweetener and Flavour. 
Direction for use :
Twice a day, add one sachet of PRIMA OLIGO MEAL R REPLACEMENT (30gm) into 150 – 200 ml of cold water or temperature not more than 15 C  luke warm water,  mix well and drink,  (add in the fruit juice or honey to enhance flavour).  Drink immediately after well prepared.  Drink another  1  glass  of water after half an hour.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Slender drink

Prima Oligo 是本地著名保健护肤品牌,创业至今
已超过15 年历史,主要提倡天然护理,和
Prima Oligo Slender  Dieter ‘s  Coffee.

2 种产品将有效协助我们的身体维持理想体重,



Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Slender Drink

Recommended Direction to SHAPE UP Your BODYLINE :
Before Breakfast                        :    Meal Replacement
Before 1 hour of your Lunch    :    Slender Drink
Tea Time                                      :    Slender Drink
Before 1 hour of your Dinner  :    Meal Replacement
Before bed time                         :    D’tox Drink

Slender Drink
is a convenient health drink to provide an

Weight management  
Skin tonic   
Smoothing the skin   
Balance our immune system    
Reduce the risk of getting illness
Cranberry Extract   (Vaccinium Macrocarpon)
    Help to support normal immune function by internally cleaning the body

    Offers potent antibacterial protection
    Urinary Tract Infections
    Reduction of Dental Plaque
   Anti – Cancer Activity
   Kidney stones
   Heart Disease
Phaseolus vulgaris   (White Kidney Bean )
    Contain alpha – amylase inhibitor
    Prevent the starch metabolism – HELP IN WEIGHT MANAGEMENT
    The bi-functional alpha – amylase inhibitor (BASI) – role as a storage protein
Linumlife Extract
     A unique flax ingredient rich in lignans
    As phytoestrogens, related to many beneficial effects on health such as Prostate health ,  Hair  loss ,  Acne , Antioxidant, Menopause, Osteoporosis,  Cholesterol,  Blood Sugar.......
Guarana    Is an appetite suppressant
Citrus Aurantium     It stimulates the production of chemical substances needed in the breaking down of facts.
    Natural source of dietary fiber
    Help increasing the production of intestinal track bifidobacteria which is vital for the healthy intestinal movement.
Beet Juice Powder
    Contains variety kinds of MINERALS & VITAMINS
    Clean the kidneys and gall bladder
    Rich in alkaline elements – useful in combating acidosis and acid the natural processes of elimination.
Roselle Extract
    Reduce cholesterol
    Rich in amino acid, proteins and Vitamin C, hibiscus acid and a lot of minerals substance
    Contain Anthocyanin,  Glucoside  Hibiscin,  Gossypetin – hairdressing effection
    Reducing blood pressure and prevent cancer and caducity.
Ingredients List:
Maltodextrin,  Inulin,  White Kidney Bean,  Cranberry Extract, Beet Juice Powder,  Roselle,  Citric Acid,  Guarana Extract,  Linumlife Extract,  Vegetable & Fruits Powder, β – carotene CWS, Amino Acid, Teavigo, Guar Gum,  Sweetener and Flavour.
Direction for use :
Twice a day, add one sachet of PRIMA OLIGO R Slender Drink (10gm) into 100 – 150 ml of cool water.  Mix or shake well and drink immediately.  Drink a lot of water.  Can add  ice or honey to enhance the flavor.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Recommended Direction to SHAPE UP Your BODYLINE :
Before Breakfast                        :    Meal Replacement
Before 1 hour of your Lunch    :    Slender Drink
Tea Time                                      :    Slender Drink
Before 1 hour of your Dinner  :    Meal Replacement
Before bed time                         :    D’tox Drink


D’ tox Drink

*REMOVAL of TOXIC substances from the  body.
Aloe Vera Whole Leaves Freeze – Dried Powder
   As a mild laxative – Help to improve immunity,  relax the bowel, reduce blood fat and sugar contents, regulate blood pressure,  nourish the liver and stomach, moisten facial the skin and remove specks.
Probiotic   -  Improve beneficial microbial population   strengthen your resident micro flora Licorice root  -    Act as laxative    Agent acts to loosen the bowels increasing peristalsis Wheatgrass   -    Contain chlorophyll     Neutralizes toxins
Inulin  -   Soluble fiber      Promote optimal intestinal function    A prebiotic
Ingredients List :
Maltodextrin,  Inulin,  Licorice Root Extract,  Wheatgrass,  Oat Fiber,  Sodium  Bicarbonate,
Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Freeze Powder,  Probiotic, Citric Acid, Sweetener and Flavour.
Direction for use :
Add 1 sachet of PRIMA OLIGO R D’ tox Drink  (10 gm) into 100ml of cool water.  Stir well and drink immediately.  Consume 1 time daily before bed time.  


We cannot stop to grow old but we CAN prolong our youthful look.
Let 's see !!  
How does bio collagen  react to aging cells ?
SB BioCollagen Plus - the strongest elements in anti-aging

1) 100% high quality natural plants collagen
2) Combine with GPC "Super elements "
3) SB BioCollagen Plus retain more than 500 times of hydration.

植物胶原蛋白是如何地反应 ?

SB 植物胶原蛋白 - 是最强抗衰老因子
1)100% 高质量天然植物胶原
2)结合GPC成为 “超级元素”
3)SB 植物胶原锁住 500 倍以上的水