Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Natural & Organic Skin Care


Natural Organic Makeup

All Paul Penders Organic cosmetics contain certified organic herbs in a base of plant waxes, plant oils, or a base powder without talc, enriched with vitamins and ceramides.  They nourish while provide a natural look without the use of petrochemical (FD&C) colors. Natural Paul Penders makeup blend-in easily where the color of your skin still shines through: they do not “stain” like the usual makeup products made from chemical dies.  Paul Penders mineral make up do not block the skin pores and provide UVB and UVA protection because of natural SPF.
Good for sensitive skin. Anti-inflammatory.  Non-comedogenic. Natural sunscreen.

保罗潘德尔有机化妆品系列拥有认证的有机草本植物,以植物腊和植物油作为基质,粉底采用的机质完全不含爽身粉,还添加了维生素和神经酰胺。在坚持不采用化学色素(FD&C)的原则下,不但提供天然色彩,也同时可滋养皮肤。天然的保罗潘德尔化妆品系列在使用时不只能有效自然融合,还会让肤色透出亮丽的光泽;更重要的是,它不像一般用化学颜料制成的化妆品会在脸上留下颜料的污迹。保罗潘德尔含矿物质的矿物粉系列不阻塞毛孔,同时含有防晒功能SPF 以提供防UVB UVA 伤害的保护。

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