Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Natural & Organic Skin Care

Natural Moisture Foundation

( 22 certified organic herbs )

chocolate brown   巧克力棕褐
timeless tan           永恒棕褐
wood brown          林木棕褐
sweet amber          甜蜜琥珀
island sand            海岛沙滩
hazel ivory            红褐象牙
A natural, non-oily moisturizing emulsion with 22 certified organic herbs and antioxidant vitamins.
Contains mineral pigments that provide sheer, oil-free coverage.  Helps soothe redness and cell damage for flawless-looking skin. Leaves a radiant finish that never looks shiny or heavy.  Easily applied for an even gentle coverage without the usual “cake” makeup feel.  Suitable for all skin colors.

保罗潘德尔的天然粉底即天然, 不油腻, 又滋润肌肤。它含有22种拥有认证的有机草本植物,同时也添加了抗养化维生素;可帮助舒缓红肿和修复被破坏的细胞,让皮肤毫无瑕疵。它的矿物质色素提供给皮肤一层不油腻, 薄而透明的保护,还会让肌肤呈现很自然的光泽,无厚重或油光满面的感觉,极容易使用。肌肤触感柔滑,绝对不会造成粉底在皮肤堆积的现象。适合各种肤色的粉底颜色。

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