Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bio Collagen Plus 植物胶原蛋白 5

Bio Collagen Plus

We begin to lose collagen from the age of 20 and lose up to 65% at age of 40.
1         )  Menstruation
2         )  Endometrium repairs needs collagen
3         ) Pregnancy, confinement
4         ) Healing wound needs large amount of collagen

Delay in collagen replenishment causes
1      )  Sagging skin
2      )  Osteoporosis
3      ) Joints degeneration
4      ) Degeneration of body mechanism intensify

      1) 月经
      2) 子宫膜修复需要胶原蛋白
      3) 怀孕, 生产
      4) 大量胶原蛋白修复伤口

      1) 皮肤松弛
      2)  骨骼疏松
      3)  关节退化
      4)  身体机能退化加速

BUY NOW- Malaysia dollars 500/= for 3boxes (20g x 18 sachets)
Original price - RM 198.00 per box
**All prices listed does not include delivery charges.

特价- 3 盒共马币五百元 (20gx 18包)
原价- 1 盒马币一百九十八元

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