Friday, August 10, 2012

Bio Collagen Plus 植物胶原蛋白 3

Who steal your youth and vitality ?   Air pollution  /  Food pollution  /  Mental pollution

The first invisible killer !!

 ** Enzymes activated by UV rays damage collagen and elastins,  reducing  skin ‘ s elasticity.
 ** After 28 days of skin regeneration life cycle, melanin appears on the outer skin layer,
       resulting pigmentation,  fine lines and dark spots.
**  Rapid production of free radicals intensify skin aging.
**  Melanin cells are activated.

POLLUTION CAUSES   :   Free radicals in our body   ->  Cells damage    ->  Speeding up aging
UV Rays                        Causes damage to skin collagen structure
                                       Stimulate melanin production
Bio Collagen Plus         Cntain elements for fighting against the above conditions.

是谁偷走了您的青春?   空气污染  /   饮食污染  /   精神污染

**   因紫外线照摄射而变得活跃的酵素会破坏焦原蛋白和弹力蛋白,使皮肤的弹性下降。
**   随着28天的皮肤更生周期,黑色素附上面层,出现色斑,细纹,暗哑等问题。
**   自由基大量产生,加速皮肤老化。
**   黑色素细胞变得活跃。

污染造成  体内制造自由基    一〉  破坏细胞     一〉   加速老化
 紫外线      破坏皮肤胶原蛋白组织
Bio Collagen Plus  含有挑战它的元素。
BUY NOW : Malaysia dollars 500 for 3 boxes (20g x 18 sachets)
Original price is RM 198.00 per box.
(Prices does not include delivery charges.)

特价 : 3 盒共马币五百元 (20gx 18 包)
原价 : 1 盒马币一百九十八元

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