Sunday, April 15, 2012

Traditional Herbal Secret

Day Cream with Star fruit Extract          

日霜- 杨桃润肤霜


富含果酸,维生素 E ,  C ,  B;  抗氧化剂和蛋白质,此霜融合了杨桃与其他植物精华的萃取,让您的肌肤显得更年轻,柔润和亮丽

Rich in fruity acids, Vitamin (E, C, B); antioxidants and proteins, this cream reaps the benefits of starfruit blended with other plant essences to enhance the softness and glow of the skin.

Main Ingredients: Grape Seed Oil, Soy Protein Isolated, Jojoba oil, Vitamin E, Hydrolysate Collagen,
Carambola/Starfruit Extract, Aloe Vera , Essential Oil
RM 92.00              

Traditional Herbal Secret

Night Cream  with Mangosteen  Extract

晚霜- 山竹润肤霜


Mangosteen is a remarkable fruit that contains highly concentrated ‘Xanthones’, a powerful antioxidant agent that supports healthy collagen renewal with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacteria and anti-fungal properties for skin nourishment and combats skin problems at the same time. Reap the benefits of this natural anti-aging cream to reveal a younger, healthier and supple face.

Main Ingredients:
Mangosteen extract, Aloe Vera, natural glycerin, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, soya protein, Vit E, collagen

RM 92.00    

Prices are not inclusive of delivery charges.

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